Thursday, June 16, 2011

It's been since February?!?

I'm not a very good blogger- surprise!
Lots is happening here - Abby is chattering up a storm. She used to say everything was green when you asked what color something was, but she's really getting her colors down. If you asked her what color Daddy's cows were, "Green" or I actually I should say "geen." That was pretty darn amusing. Too bad I didn't get it on camera - every time we tried, she was shy for the lens. "Wellow" still seems to be a hard one sometimes!
She always asks where Daddy is when he's gone - a lot of times she'll say "Daddy's on the tractor?" or "Daddy's in the field?" She's Steve's little farmer. Here she is planting corn with Steve this spring.

Abby had a great 2nd birthday and LOVES her new trike. She's still trying to get the hang of it but figuring it out more every day.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Word Explosion!

I'm home with sick Abby again so thought I would get a new post up. Abby is picking up new words by the day! She has started learning her numbers, although, at this point, she only knows that after one is two, thwee and after five is six.
She started learning her colors too! She has a set of stacking blocks that she ADORES and we've been working on colors with that. She will pick up any color that we ask for but when we ask her to tell us what color something is, she usually says green. Apparently green is the favorite color - must take after her mom!
Some other favorites are:
  • done
  • clean up
  • cook
  • snack
  • book (this one makes me so proud! Abby loves books!)
Of course there are the old standbys - Macy, Jack, Ashley, more, and so on. It's so fun to see her vocabulary build every day! 

Saturday, January 29, 2011

RATTS Weekend

I'm really trying to learn this blogging thing - still not the greatest "look" but the info is up at least! Here's some photos from our RATTS weekend January 14-17 in Williamsburg, IA at the Wasserbrahn Waterpark! This is our 6th year of getting toether for a weekend! The company is great, the food is always fabulous (we make all of our own!) and the kids have a fantastic time together! Dancing on the couch! Love the action shot of Abby's ponytail flying in the air!

 The slide was really fun but sometimes the water is a little cold! 

 Here's the infamous purple hat - we got it, amongst many other serious steals at the Williamsburg outlet mall. 
 Here's all 10 of us! Our group has really grown! Next year there will be 11!
 The kiddos and the Mommies - aren't we all cute?
 Some of my favorite ladies - it was such a good time for catching up and enjoying each other's company!
Until next year!  

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A few Christmas Memories

 Our letter signs were quite popular this Christmas - one of 7 that we made for family and friends!
 Abby's "Abby" T-Shirt!
 This is what made our Christmas so special!
 Abby and Aunt "Ray"
 Grandpa Mowrer and Rylee
 Grandma TC and Abby reading books
 The grandparents with the granddaughters.
 Who gave that Obama Chia head?
 Trying to keep Abby happy and it working?
Sledding with Papa! 
 Lora and Kade at the Tabbert Christmas
 Tabbert Christmas
 Rachut Christmas - opening our White Elephant buckets.
 More White Elephant gifts...
 And yet more White elephant gifts...
Whole Rachut family on Christmas night.